Monday, July 17, 2006

an “electronicphenomena”…

Well, I just got back from an awesome week of camp. I was blessed to be a counselor for a well mixed group of young men from the ages of 12 -14. They were challenged as well as I was challenged to get unplugged from the world and plug into God. In a world full of “myspaces”, ipods, laptops, internet cyberworlds, cell phones that do what a computer does, xbox-nintendo-playstation game systems, an “electronicphenomena”…there seems to be plenty of distractions to divert one from God. I have to admit that I am guilty of being distracted from God because of my desire to succumb to this electronicphenomena. I have heard it said in the form of a military attack, the idea is to surprise your enemy as their attention is diverted. Well it seems that our attention is sure diverted and the devil is waiting like a lion ready to devour. I was challenged this last week to check myself and see how much of me I am devoting God and how much of me isn’t devoted to God. Is my prayer time less than my TV or Computer time? I am properly worshipping God or am I just singing? How much time do I really spend in His Truth (The Bible)? What am I doing with gifts He has blessed me with, am I receiving glory or am I giving Him glory? Am I being a good steward of the money that He has given me or am I treating the money that He has given me as “mine”? It’s good to be challenged, being comfortable means that I’m not doing anything. Maybe you are one who needs to unplug for bit and plug into God. Blogatchalater!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Truth from a 3 year old

The wisdom of 3 year old is just something. Its amazing as adults, we sometimes do not say the truth out of fear that someone isn’t going like us or the fear that we will hurt someone’s feelings. A 3 year old doesn’t have this fear. My son recently offended Buddhism…how? While mommy was packing to move, I took him with me to A Chinese restaurant, for some take-out…and whilst in the restaurant, he pointed his finger and asked me what “that” was…”that” was a statue of Buddha”, I replied to him and he in a very serious response said, “ Oh…he has boobies.” He said this in a loud voice that every Buddhist in the room could hear, easily offending their religion. This got me thinking…did he really offend that religion? Now while he’s 3 and not really able to understand the concept of “speaking truth in love”, my son was simply stating what he saw. We live in a world full of “religions” and I don’t believe in a religion because, speaking for myself, I don’t believe that their in any hope or peace or joy in any religion. For me all hope, peace, and joy come from one thing…Jesus. And he didn’t teach about religion, He taught about a relationship. Jesus never feared as His Father, our Father, in Heaven never feared on speaking the truth in love…so why do we, why do I? The truth is that there is only one truth and that is God’s truth and everything else is wrong…it’s a fact, not a belief. In a world that’s so corrupted and immoral and think its time for me to not only speak but live that truth in love, no matter the cost. The wisdom from a 3 y.o. can really be an eye opener.


Monday, July 03, 2006

Thanks I needed that…ever have “one-of-those” months! Not that there is anything wrong with “one-of-those” months, it just been crazy, but that life and God is always good no matter what circumstance I’m in. Being a full-time minister of youth in summertime can be a quite busy on top of moving and having a family, mixed in with multiple “stuff” from church and throw in a little of life “things”...June has just been exceptionally active, throw in my wife and I’s 2nd Anniversary and because God has sense of humor, I just found out that wife is pregnant. I will blog more on Wednesday.
Scream atyalater
