Thursday, May 18, 2006

Today is 5th Step Freedom

Today is Thursday and tonight at 6 pm, I will sit with my sponsor in celebrate recovery and do the 5th Step in Celebrate Recovery:

5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being, the exact nature of our wrongs. “Therefore, confess your sins to each other, and pray for each other, so that you may be healed.” James 5:16 NIV

This is an absolute 1st for me…confession, a complete confession to another human being that I trust of everything that I kept hidden…whether sin, pain, feelings…it is all coming out, 28 years of “stuffed” stuff, tonight and I am actually really excited. For me, there is so much healing in sharing, taking my mask off and just being real helps me so much in my walk. Tonight my sponsor will point at my character defects that I display which I now look as a blessing because now I can identify my stuff and surrender it to God on an hourly, day by day basis. They tell me when I am done with my 5th step that I don’t have to pick it up again…EVER. It is finished…move forward...why should I pick it up ever again when God has not only forgiven me, but forgotten? WRECKLESS ABANDON ,BABY…I believe William Wallace said in best in the movie Braveheart, “FFFRRREEEDDDOOOMMM.” In the words of the man, Jesus, “Get behind me Satan.” WOOOOO, YEAH
-Gravy jmm

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