Friday, January 26, 2007

God always makes a way

Here are some random things I have come to discover as I have worked on myself in the 12 steps of Celebrate Recovery over the last year and half:

Faith is grounded in a relationship with God, who knows the way for me and promises to lead me on it. It is both my attitude and action towards God.

I am designed for dependence on Him.

Trying to get through this life on my own limited strength, knowledge, and resources leads to futility and a loss of hope.

No matter what limitation or circumstance I am struggling against, God can empower and equip me beyond what I thought possible.

God will make a way for me, perhaps in ways I don’t expect. And He does His best work when I am at the end of myself and admit it.

My walk with the Lord will be richer, more fulfilling, and more successful if I surround myself with people who are committed to support me, encourage me, assist me, keep me accountable, and pray for me.

I need to recognize the value and need for God’s wisdom in my life; I need to ask Him to show me and help me search for His wisdom actively. God always knows what to do, when I don’t.

I need to leave my baggage behind and let God have me. Holding onto my baggage from my past will hinder my journey with God – He can show me how to leave my baggage behind.

I need to take responsibility for my own life, own up to my faults, and accept blame where it is justified – and stop pointing my finger. It’s my responsibility to live a life which reflects Him and His principles.

I need to welcome problems in my life as gifts from God to help me become a better Christian for His Kingdom. God sees my difficulties different from the way I do. God’s way is not out of my problems but through them.

I need to accept pain as a part of life. Acceptance will help me live in God’s reality so I can adapt and change to the way things really are and learn to trust God.

God has a heart. He feels deeply, especially about me and my rebellion really hurts Him.

God knows and can identify with my sufferings because of Jesus. I need to view my problems as the next step in my growing relationship with Him.

When God makes a way for me, it usually takes time, so I must allow time for God to work. Time allows God’s healing ingredients to be applied in my situation. Time is a blessing, not a curse. I need to realize that even though I can’t see God, He is working behind the scenes. I must sow the seed He gives me and wait patiently for Him to water that seed to sprout and produce fruit.

I need to love God passionately with every area of my life, including my pain, my fear, and my despair. If I love God, connect to Him, and follow Him as He commands, I will value what He values and seek to do what honors Him and is best for me.

When I am in a bad situation, I must not pull away from God but draw closer. I need to love God in that situation. Invite Him into my feelings, thoughts, actions, and reactions. I need to immerse myself in His love and He will show me the way. God will make a way for me to the extent that I make a way for Him in my heart. God needs access to every part of me.

I need to realize that God wants the best for me. God has grace and mercy for me and is committed to work in me, with me. God loves me completely and He is going with me every step of the way. I need to listen attentively to God. I need to submit, wholly, to God.

God is always good and loves you very much. Blogactchalater



The Louisiana Bayou Rat said...

in the first part, God knows what is best for us. Then He knows the best way for us to get what is best for us. The only trick involved is us understanding that God does and will do what will guide us to His wisdom if we would just shut up and listen. But it seems to me we sometimes try to listen with our mouths and not our ears.

Remember two ears, one mouth. Seems significant to our design to me.


Gravy JMM said...

It always works better form me when the cotton in shoved in my mouth and not in my ears