Thursday, November 09, 2006

Where ya standing?

Ah separation of church and state! I love irony! A church can’t endorse any political party or they will lose their tax exemption and get in lots of trouble. Prayer has been removed from schools and there’s even talk of removing “under God” from the pledge. There’s a gag order on people mentioning anything about God in school, workplace, and the like. God’s not allowed in the judicial system. And almost all voting takes place in church buildings. How much longer are God’s children going be tolerate their country not standing where it once stood? Peter told the Sanhedrin that He must obey God rather than men and he wasn’t afraid of what might happen to him. What are Christians so afraid of? The Bible warned of these times and these times are upon us now. God’s got my attention, how about yours…

1 comment:

GB Hoyt said...

I say let's see who keeps talking Jesus.
I'm ready to suffer the consequences for feeding hungry people...