Wednesday, September 13, 2006

anticipating things like fresh cookies from the oven

Anticipation is enjoyable especially when one has something that they are anticipating. In the 1st week of October my wife and I will found out what we are having, either the baby is a boy or a girl. Everybody that I know thinks it’s a girl, but I know the truth…it has to be a boy because no girl has been born on my side of the family and its not starting with me. If it is a girl, I already have a camouflage military issue uniform with a black mask and black gloves. I also just completely time in a music studio and cut a demo and as I blog, the demo is on its way to Nashville. My wife and I also are looking for a place to live as we have a moving date of the 1st week in November…so you see anticipation seems to be a theme in my life. But I am most anticipating Christ’s return, because that will rock on more than anything that has ever rocked on before…can I get a witness or an amen in the house. So as I am anticipating quite much, I am praying that I remain obedient to God and that accept whatever life gives me, because I know that God is bigger than me and any of my circumstances. Would you like fries with your anticipation, sir?
-gravy jmm


GB Hoyt said...

So, do ya know yet??
What's uup with the moving bit?

Gravy JMM said...

No and not sure