Thursday, April 20, 2006

Remembering Columbine

I realize that today is the 7 year anniversary of the Columbine shootings. I remember waiting tables at Rio Bravo in Orange Park and hearing on the news of the shootings and I remember thinking why would someone or people do this? I realize now, 7 years later, the finger is still pointing at who to blame: The parents, the police, Marilyn Manson, the ones who sold them the guns, and so on. The truth is that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold pulled the triggers, no one else. The truth is Eric and Dylan had some pain and chose to take the pain out the wrong way and lot of lives were destroyed because of their choice. Nothing could have prevented the Columbine shootings except Eric and Dylan. The hardest thing that I have had to come to accept in my life is that I CAN’T control or change anyone, what they say or what they do. The sad truth is that there always seems to be headlines like this in the news of tragedy after tragedy. My sponsor tells me that there are 2 types of people: Those in recovery and those who need to be. The only thing I can do is let God change me and for me to deal with my hurts, habits, and hang-ups the right way, God’s way and not the way that Eric and Dylan did. Columbine was a heart-breaking tragedy as so many other occurrences like it. Pray for the lost and if you are a child of God, be a mirror that reflects Christ because Jesus is the only hope for this world and a lost person is only going to see Christ if they see Him in me.
-Gravy JMM

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