Wednesday, June 27, 2007
JUST BE....................
Be still and know that I Am
Be still and know
Be still
Can you just "be" and know that God knows whats better for you than you do? What has God done for you to just be? He's saved you, sanctified you, loves you unconditionally, washed your sins away, forgave you and forgets your sins, wonderfully made you, formed you in your mother's womb, knows how many hairs or no hairs that you have on your head, faithful to you even when you are not, has plans for you, watches you, disciplines you because He loves you and wants you to Himself, He died for you in the from of His only Son, Jesus...can you just be right now in this moment and trust in God that He has a plan for you...just be and let God be God because you are not and that's a good place to be. JUST BE!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
This is what the LORD says: "Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans and turn their hearts away from the LORD. They are like stunted shrubs in the desert, with no hope for the future. They will live in the barren wilderness, on the salty flats where no one lives. "But blessed are those who trust in the LORD and have made the LORD their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they go right on producing delicious fruit.
-Jeremiah 17:5 – 8
Yes, just rock out and trust in works
by the way, just in case you don't understand what Mike Sweet is singing, here are the words:
It's been said money talks If so what does it say? Four simple words we see every day
The rich, the poorHeaven is for those who choose Don't put your trust in money You'll lose (again and again)In God we trust In Him we must believe (He is the only way) In God we trust His Son we must receive (Tomorrow's too late, accept Him today)
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Love Ya!
Hey...sometimes it's good to be reminded! There is only one God and only one faith and only one way to Him and that is Jesus. Maybe you need a reminder of just ho much God loves you! Remember just as He gave and gives to you...turn around and give it away.
Friday, June 01, 2007
"Fine & Dandy"...
–Philippians 4:4 - 8
It seems so easy to experience peace when everything is “find and dandy” but this is life and life is painful. God is always great, even when you or I want to question that statement…but how can you grow in the Lord if your life is “find and dandy”…answer; you can’t! In fact pain is good because God uses pain, struggles, and trials to bring you closer to Him and to grow you spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically while in the valley…if life were always so comfortable for you that would mean that you are lost in the world. If I am too busy with concerns of how to be comfortable here than I am not too concerned for what God loves and His agenda for me or this life. Choices Jerry Lee, choices! If you are going through some tough times right now, praise God. It is those times when we don’t feel like worshiping or praising God that it is precisely the best time to give God praise and worship because He is preparing you for whatever He has planned for you and God does not bring us to where He wants us to just drop us, trust and obey like the song says. God wants to grow you, love on you, give to you, take from you, bless you but He can’t if you are too busy with this life and its pleasures. God is a jealous God, He wants you but are you willing to be available for Him? Want peace? God is waiting for you to trust only in Him and not your wisdom or power…you are powerless, just admit it, it’s okay because you have limits, God does not.