Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Pain, guilt, addiction, sin there such a beast…where can one get help for this? I have a friend who struggles with sexual addiction and is a registered sex offender. There is a church that has a program to help sex addicts but this church will not let this man in because he is a registered sex offender. I understand that this could cause problems because this church is also a school. My question is and is to all Christians…where do these people (sex offenders) get help? If all men were real, how many times have we had sexual thoughts or acted out in our sexual fantasies…but condemned those who were sex offenders. Now I am not excusing there sin, but just saying where can they go get help if the church will not allow them in. Jesus came for the sick and the church is a safe place, not a place of judgment but a place where Jesus’ bride, God’s children shares their burdens and victories with each other. It’s a place where sin is confronted but the sinner is accepted. Now I know there would be a lot of Christian would argue with me but I know that my sin is on the cross just the same as yours and that sex offender. I don’t believe in tolerance to sin, I believe in confronted the sin and dealing with it and the church is suppose to be a place for sinners, not perfect people. Do you think we have to answer to God for putting a restriction on who comes into His church? Isn’t putting a restriction on those who come being judgmental? I have thought a lot about this because I’m a father. I have thought do I want a registered sex offender around my children and my first thought is no. Then I realize that I am around my son and soon to be daughter and realize…hey I’m a sinner and I’m around my family…really what’s the difference…sure there’s a difference in my eyes but what about God’s eyes? I know that there are some registered sex offenders who are genuinely sorry for what they’ve done and there are those who aren’t and will probably do “it” again but how many time have you sinned and felt sorrow but turned around and did “it” again. I am just as guilty. If the church shuts its doors than where can one get help? Just something to think about!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I've got Good News...

Jesus is your, my, our Savior…He really did die for you! God sent His Son into this world to save you and me from hell, our sins, from punishment, from our sorrow and guilt. He really loves you and He wants to come to Him. Yes you are a sinner and so I am, but God saw through our sins and saw something worth saving…you, me. He is full of forgiveness, mercy, grace, love, compassion, kindness, gentleness, He will never leave you nor forsake you even when you turn from Him, He made you, He loves you, and you are worth dying for. The world will not give you what God can give you. The world has nothing for you, in God through Jesus; you’ll have everything you need. Are you sick of being sick? Are you just tired? Has going to the world to fix yourself not working? If your empty, hurting, fearful, lost, out of control, in denial, feeling hopeless, afraid to die, depressed, an addict…Jesus is the only answer to fill your void. God wants you to talk with Him, say whatever you need to, don’t be superficial with Him, be real, let the walls down. God wants you to walk with Him, there’s that God can’t fix, heal, there’s no limit to His power…No matter how bad or how awful you think you are, nothing can change the fact that Jesus died for you and God made you and He wants you to come to Him. I used to think and sometimes I still struggle with that fact that God does forgive and forget, the devil doesn’t want you to believe that, the devil wants you to think that you’re worthless and hopeless and you’re a rotten person. The devil always lies and he uses our crap to keep us down. God doesn’t waste our hurts, our pain, our troubles…He uses them to strengthen us and bring us closer to Him. In the name of Jesus, devil flee from us right now and God protect our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus at this moment. You are worth dying for, Jesus did already…come to be continued

Tuesday, December 05, 2006



Eternal (Psalms 10:16)
Everlasting (Psalms 90:2)
Great (Nehemiah 1:5)
Awesome (Nehemiah 1:5)
Compassionate (Psalms 86:15)
Patient (Psalms 86:15)
Faithful to forgive our sins (1 John 1:9)
Faithful to forget our sins (Jeremiah 31:34)
King of everything (1Chronicles 29:12)
Giver of Strength (1Chronicles 29:12)
Good (Psalms 136:1)
Slow to Anger (Psalms 86:15)
Abounding in Love (Psalms 86:15)
Faithful (Psalms 86:15)
Love (1John 4:8)
Holy (1 Samuel 2:2)
The Rock (1 Samuel 2:2)
Powerful (Romans 1:16)
Promise Keeper (2 Peter 1:4)
Mighty (1Peter 5:6)
Merciful (Nehemiah 9:31)
Gracious (Nehemiah 9:31)
The Perfect Planner (Jeremiah 29:11)

There is so much more I could write but sometimes words aren't enought to express who He is nor do I have enough time to write about it! How have you told or expressed to God how thankful you are to Him? Maybe you don't view God the way I do, but I know how He views you...He wonderfully made you and sent His son to save you and there's nothing you can do to make Him love you anyless, He's waiting for you...He's the Father that never leaves nor forsakes you even when you or I forsake Him.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Random thought:

What is spam (that canned meat thing)? It's formed to the can container and has white particles and it tastes like a wet salt. But yet I eat it!